Thank you for re-joining or joining the Lambretta Club of Australia
Your membership pack will be processed and mailed ASAP Your membership also includes access to our: *Dedicated Facebook page for members: - you may need to request to join, this shouldn't take too long to confirm *This club website which has a great, 'Lambretta in Australia' full of amazing historical Lambretta content *Super dealers throughout Australia *Pacemaker Newsletter *Tool Libraries which all members have access in each state or territory *Historic Registration for your Classic Lambretta(s), in your state or territory *Reduced Comprehensive Insurance Premiums *Quality Club Merchandise - Which now can be easily and conveniently ordered and purchased on-line: Simply go to the LCoA website ( Go to ‘Shopping’, and click ‘On Demand Merch,’ and choose your favourite t-shirt or hoodie. Buy one for you, and a few for your family and friends. Have them delivered to your door anywhere in the world.
We look forward to seeing you and your Lambretta soon!