The arrival evening was a relatively quiet affair with at the really nice Dockside venue, where we greeted by the smiling faces of the Sunny Coasters SC, their rally packs and for a lot of us fellas a bonus free membership to the SCSC Beauty Salon where they gently but lovingly provided hair waxing sessions whilst they sorted out our wrist bands.
The band Baggy Trousers treated to us to some great Ska numbers supported by the DJs who also did a fantastic job spinning some juicy tracks, to firmly set the tone for weekend of laughter, hip wiggling and other shenanigan’s firmly
I wont show you photos, because I don’t have any, we all went home early to prepare out scoots for the next days show and shine!
The morning briefing welcomed a bigger group for the ride out, perhaps some in less sparkly form than the previous day, but we were ready to roll again. I think 100+ scoots of all flavours, we definitely created stylish traffic. I cannot count at the best of times hence I wont be putting my hand up for treasurer.
One thing that’s stood out for sure on this ride was the number of WA plates. Paradise Lost SC and other Perth folks, hats off to ya for your efforts to get there.
After some pleasant surfside touring the coastal exploration was complete we returned to the main town, where we parked up for a late lunch and the show an shine There were no catastrophes out on the road that I heard of, great backup and support by SCSC. All states had a great showing of members.
Whilst mentioning clubs, I think I would be a miss if I didn’t say that although we were given permission to squash CANE TOADS on the road at the ride out briefing most of us were nice to them, even if riding a few Vespas, because they had very strong turnout as club and are celebrating their 25th year..
Congrats Toads..your shirts and scoots looked cool, KTF and keep scootering alive J I couldn’t find a pic of Queen B Laura on her Lammy, but I did find a picture of the elder statesman of the club, Purple Pete policing the Lambrettas the show n shine.
I'm looking forward to Mudgee.. Cheers Symsy ..ride safe.
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