I can't really say much about the Millie, the unofficial Meet and Greet on the Thursday, or in fact, Friday's ride out as circumstances said"No"!
Anyway I was able to get to the Polish club on Friday night to catch up with everyone else, some of whom I hadn't seen for a couple of years. After a few nice Polish beers (the one starting with a "Z" was my favourite), and listening to a few fine sets from the DJs, we actually left before we fell into the Friday Frenzy that usually has you at the meeting point for the Saturday ride-out knowing you are over the limit, not feeling like riding, and confident that if you are pulled over it's the end of your weekend fun (or is that just me?)
Saturday's ride was a great run up the mountain with a stop at the top (not planned, I think it was the usual herding cats scenario), and a photo stop with a great backdrop of BrisVagas behind all the scoots, after which we were chaperoned down the mountain by a really friendly member of Queensland's finest, after he posed with the scoots and his police car. Then it was back to Milton for the AGM before heading home to prepare for the night time do.
Most of the crew met up in Milton early on in the afternoon, with the TukTuk Bar becoming the unofficial go to place before the Polish Club. A few of us took a sensible break from drinking too early, to go for a none sensible bike ride along the riverbank on Brisbane's $2 a hire bikes. As we rode along the boardwalk we were entertained by a mass of helicopters and F14 fighter jets flying low over the river with full afterburners blazing in the evening dusk. I remember thinking "The guys at The Brisbane Lambretta club have really pulled out all the stops this year!" After changing out of our Lycra we headed back to the Polish Club for Saturday's round two. The Music was once again flowing loud and sweet, with the bonus of the Sunny Coast Rude Boys doing two great sets and getting the whole place jumping. A few more beers and it was time to head off. But we didn't, we stayed and had a few more,as you do!