After a false start, the West Coast Lambretta Jamboree finally happened from 9th to 11th June at Kerem Adventure Camp in Bullsbrook, approximately 50k’s north of Perth. The camp is made up of four old barracks and a central mess hall, which had been relocated from the nearby Pearce RAAF base and Whiteman Park. Though the accommodation was basic, it was perfect for our needs.
I was organizing the gymkhana, and had already taken up a load of shit the day before, then after stocking up on beers, arrived on Friday afternoon, pinched the best bed, and started setting up the gymkhana. Before long scoots started turning up, and the fun began.

The Royal Catering Corps was led by Sergeant Terry Winters, ably assisted by Privates John Foden and John Senior, who superbly fed us with greasy fry ups for the weekend which were exactly as the doctor ordered, if not vegan, gluten free, etc. I may be going to hell, but I’m going eating bacon.
Friday night had us all catching up, and the fire pit was soon in use with Steve Leech and Paul Ryland’s young lads stoking it for all it was worth… all weekend…. pyromaniacs both of them.
Friday night had us all catching up, and the fire pit was soon in use with Steve Leech and Paul Ryland’s young lads stoking it for all it was worth… all weekend…. pyromaniacs both of them.

There was some whiskey drunk, which saw one of us pretty much out for the count for the whole weekend.
On the Saturday after breaky and a quick resupply, Steve Leech took us on a nice rideout through the Chittering Valley to Stringy Bark Winery, for a quick coffee, and then it was back to the camp for the gymkhana.
As much as some had expressed reservations about participating in the gymkhana, in the end everyone had a crack, well except for the aforementioned whiskey drinker, who was universally ridiculed.
As much as some had expressed reservations about participating in the gymkhana, in the end everyone had a crack, well except for the aforementioned whiskey drinker, who was universally ridiculed.

Some said the course was impossible, until Sid completed the course with no penalties. There was darts involved, with entrants having to park up their scoots and throw three darts at a darts board before continuing through the circuit (the darts score was then subtracted from their time)
In the end it was Craig ‘Bugnutter” who won the gymkhana, more due to his darts score than his riding skills. Big thanks to Adam Marchant who came up for the afternoon with his girls, and did all the time keeping etc.
In the end it was Craig ‘Bugnutter” who won the gymkhana, more due to his darts score than his riding skills. Big thanks to Adam Marchant who came up for the afternoon with his girls, and did all the time keeping etc.
Then we cleared the course and ran a slow race, won by Mark ‘Burt’ Brennan, despite obvious cheating by Rob Bollingbroke. Then there was an ill-advised grass track drag that didn’t end so well for John Stacey… ‘rush of blood to the head’ as he describes it, some panel work and a new clutch lever should see him back on the road.
Afterwards it was back to the mess hall for more drinks, dinner, and some announcements.
Afterwards it was back to the mess hall for more drinks, dinner, and some announcements.
All in all a great weekend, made special by the great crew who turned up and pitched in with everything including, cooking, washing up, and cleaning etc.